Outing Cyberbullies

Wayne K. Croft aka "Jak Thomas" and multiple twitter profiles
Dorothy Guild aka "Virginia Eaton", "Ted Elliot" on Facebook, various twitter names
Joy Macdonald
Gail Gallant
Margaret Cosman

Saturday 21 July 2012

Obsessives stalking and harassing

Do these people suffer from lack of attention? Or some kind of group psychosis?

Wayne Croft, aka Jak Thomas on Facebook, is approaching his fourth year of stalking Francesca Rogier.
He and his bevy of similarly crazed women love to repeat half-truths and outright lies, spewing "facts" about a person they've never met. They regularly hassle anybody tweeting to, with, or about Francesca and Brindi, and they've infiltrated every Facebook group that has anything to do with them, posing as authorities on everything from court cases to wooden windows.

Amusingly, these ill-minded folks love to claim that the only people who support Brindi and her owner live outside of Halifax, yet they don't live there themselves. Wayne lives in a little hamlet called Mill Village, easily two hours away; his companion in cruelty, Joy McDonald, lives nearby; Emma Richards lives in Truro; and Dorothy Guild, perhaps the most venomous one, lives in the Bronx, of all places! Sure, she happens to own a cottage in Porters Lake, Nova Scotia that she visits maybe a week or two now and then. But she's not even Canadian.Then there's "Lena Burkholder", a name linked to a Facebook profile that at once time said she was from Kansas! For people living half a continent away, she and her husband Gary sure get pretty worked up about goings-on in Halifax - just a bit suspicious, doncha think?

Wayne has never met Francesca, yet he tracks her every online utterance like an addict in need of his next hit. He was warned twice by the RCMP, but seems to delight in defying these warnings. He is very active on the group named "By Law Enforcement in Nova Scotia"  - a dead giveaway, not only because by-laws are local, not provincial, but also because 99% of the posts are negative comments about or falsely dramatic diatribes against Francesca Rogier (with the exception of a few posts by new members mistaking the group for actual do-gooders). 

Posting as Jak Thomas, Croft recently even beseeched Francesca, "Why don't you sue me?" Evidently trying very hard to make that dream a reality, he's now uploaded a photo of her home that he says he took himself, apparently traveling the distance to the Eastern Shore for just that purpose. His gleeful accompanying comments indicate that he plans to do this regularly.

If your gut reaction is "Ick," join the crowd!

On the other hand, no wonder old Wayne craves the spotlight. The "Old Trout"'s only internet claim to fame seems to be a very dull video of him clearing a few stumps in his town of Mill Village, racking up barely two dozen views:


Oops, sorry. Well, till next time!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Latests smears and reposts, from a misleadingly titled FB group

Wayne Croft thinks he's very clever - crashing a Facebook group that is already open to the public. Not much of an achievement, eh? But hey, he and his buds seem to get a kick out of it. Aside from the libel interspersed among these posts, the whole thing is rather pathetic, isn't it? If this is all they have to do with their time, and they actually seem to find it entertaining, since they've been at it for three years, well... The provincial mental health system has its work cut out for it!

  • Well I just read Ms. Rogiers latest attempt to misinform the public with her latest, "public" letter to Mr Graham,I will not comment on the entire letter,however I wish to comment on the following:
    "24. Now you have totally compromised your integrity by joining a Facebook group called “By Law Enforcement in HRM”. This group is the latest effort to defame me by a group people who have been stalking, bullying, harassing, and libeling me outright since early 2009. Since then, they have been banned from a number of FB groups; Facebook has removed at least two earlier groups they began, and the RCMP have issued warnings against Mr. Wayne Croft. He also maintains a fake profile under the name Jak Thomas. He and other members were recently banned from the HRM People’s Council. They continue to m...Continue Reading
    March 28 at 8:12am

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    • 50 of 56

      • Jak Thomas Here is just one of the comments I got a bit ago.

        "Robert Riley We have your number and are watching you,dont you worry."""

        Now I shaking in my boots..........NOT

      • Joy McDonald Talk about conclusions, Fran is certainly talking a big leap when she suggests that the dogs were alone when she delivered the Xmas stocking. How does she know that there wasn't an employee in the kennel? Does an employee have the right or permisson to answer the front door of a private home when owners are not present? I know mine aren't, especially when a distraught person is hammering on my door.

      • Gail Gallant lol nowhere does it say the owner and family can not leave their home

      • Jak Thomas  Fran belongs in a locked up padded cell thats all I can say!

      • Dorothy Guild I certainly HOPE one of the options Derek is considering is getting a peace bond against her entering on or even near their property. And there should be something to do about someone writing slanderous and defamatory (Fran's favorite words!) comments about a business. (She DOES hate people who are working and earning money honestly!)

      • Jak Thomas WEll it it sure looks as if Christine and Derek are taking good care of Brindi,Hell even Fran "almost" agrees..oops I guess myself or my agents or students,can't repost a comment made by Fran,its against "HER" law so sue me Fran but here is what you sais on yoyr "OPEN" fb page:

        "I just heard from the vet clinic about Brindi's visit today. Her weight has improved a bit, from 62.4 to 60.7 pounds, which is good for her back, and her teeth look good. However, her pancreatic enzyme level is up again. To find out how much, they are sending a blood sample to a lab and expect it back next week sometime."

      • Emma Richards need more money,,send funds,,right...

      • Gail Gallant depending on where they send the tests... will be back Mon - Tues.

      • Joanna Potts Goins Has anyone contacted the SSA in the US and let them know she doesn't live in the US. just asking cause I am not sure if it is legal for her to draw disability here and live in another country. not sure. just asking. :)

      • Joy McDonald She can draw SS not sure about the disability part though.

      • Joanna Potts Goins To my understanding, and I may be wrong, but I understood that she is drawing disability social security. Just wondering if that is legal. since she likes to play mind games with others, thought maybe mind games could be played on her. lol I don't know a whole lot about the legal system, my main concern is Brindi. I am hoping they put Brindi with a responsible person who will love and take care of her. :)

      • Jak Thomas  Not sure if anyone contacted the SSA in the USA, however the IRS,CRA,Canadian Immigration,and Loval Gov ie Building inspector have neen contacted by myself and others,and we will continue to pressure Government to look into Her affairs.

      • Joanna Potts Goins wtg, Jak. You may need to call in a good psychiatrist, cause looks to me like she really needs one. just saying and my opinion. lol

      • Dorothy Guild Hey there Joanna! Yep, it's legal to draw it (AND regular social security too) and live somewhere else. Lots of retirees retire in other (cheaper) countries where SS$s go further. Wait a minute--I do NOT know for sure about soc. security DISABILITY payments! However, I DO know that fibromyalgia is NOT considered a permanent condition. After 6 years it seems some reevaluation might be required. It is not like the loss of a limb. And even then I think they re-evaluate your ability to work.

      • Emma Richards somebody stole my like button,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not workin..lol

      • Dorothy Guild Very excellent point you have brought up--perhaps one that should be checked with the Social Security Administration--since I don't know the answer and the US certainly can't afford disability payouts unless the person truly cannot work at all. (I think there are varying levels) Thx for bringing it up!!

      • Joanna Potts Goins Dorothy- Great minds think alike cause you and I are basically thinking the same exact thing. :)

      • Emma Richards geez,,maybe she should have moved to GERMANY instead of Canada,,,,I WILL HELP HER PACK..

      • Gail Gallant LMAO.. Emma, you always wanna help her pack

      • Dorothy Guild Bingo Joanna! (Nite all--I confess I'm REwatching seasons 1-4 of MadMen. We don't have cable so I can't buy Season 5 until--forever--fall sometime.)

      • Jak Thomas  Nite all,long day ahead at the VG.

      • Emma Richards hugs jak and wifey..

      • Jak Thomas Thanks guys,not the greatest news today,more transfusions,more visits to Dr., Hospitals, not looking good.

      • Emma Richards sorry to hear,,hugs

      • Gail Gallant Jak.... sent you a msg....

      • Jak Thomas On a lighter note,hummingbirds spotted in NS.


      • Jak Thomas  Now isn't this interesting,passed on to me and taken from fran's FBG.

        "Jess Storm
        This whole ordeal almost makes me ashamed to be a Nova Scotian. Shame on Halifax Pound, Derek & Christine Graham & the whole NS justice system for dragging their arses in this case!! For the love of God, let this poor dog go home!!!!""

        In checking "Jess Storm" profile I notice that She lives in New Zeland.

      • Gail Gallant lol maybe she moved there
        (raises suspicion that maybe Jess Storm is a fake profile used by Gail or the others, much like Lina Burkholder and her "husband" Gary)

      • Jak Thomas  We can hope....LMAO

      • Jak Thomas if you read it... it's a fake account
        (seems to confirm the above; would be the lates tin a string of recent fake profiles posting on Save Brindi - REALLY sad!)

      • Jak Thomas  I think half the people on her FBG are fake as well.
        (cute, since this is Wayne's well-known fake profile... )

      • Jak Thomas  There are some great posts on the "DOGLOVER BLOG" its worth having a look.

      • Jak Thomas  Note the disclaimer at the end of^^^^^.

        ""© 2012 Brindi Justice.
        This site was created and is maintained by members of Humane Halifax. Halifaxhumane.org
        The recordings on this website are for entertainment purposes only and cannot be used for any purposes in any legal proceedings.""

        Now if that doesn't make your day nothing will.....

      • Dorothy Guild Well, they are ARE entertaining--that is if listening to someone concoct barefaced lies and do it badly tickles yr funny bone.

      • Dorothy Guild One thing I can't figure (besides how--after she tried her Gang Smear on Ms. Salsman she thought she'd postpone the Court yet again)--is why when saying she had had a car accident in which she had veered into the left lane several times--she didn't even invent a frightened animal darting across the road--dog, cat, chipmunk, squirrel,ferret, armadillo, a flamingo blown off course, maybe a reindeer forced south by global warming. Just "veering" makes it sound like she'd been into some of Buddy Bobby's stash for some Dutch Courage. I have a question, though--does she seriously think that those tapes (and there were probably a couple or three ppl in HRM who hadn't listened to them already) would make her case? I hope the new crew, the Indians & New Zealanders don't read them all, or she'll have to gin up a new group of dopes. Could she have lost more than just perspective at this point?

      • Jak Thomas Well the tapes,i would love to see her on the stand when they were being played,and questioned by the crown. What really pops out at me, ( now Fran says I know nothing about the law) but in the first tape Fran tells the dispatcher that there were 2 people with the dog Brindi attacked,so it would be their word against poor old fran. However in the tape where she files a false report,she had a witness,who you will note never got out of the car but seen it all, where did this witness come from;did poor old Bob fall out of the sky and land in Fran's car? Than has this Witness eyes in the back of his head as car facing towards the shack,oops house like this< Brindi attacked behind the car >,or does Bob have a rubber neck like his lips?

        One might ask how do we know it was Bob who was the witness,well that is easy also as Rubber Lips called HRM dispatch and told them that He seen all,that in itself is a great feat since it was dark,Bob sitting in the car scared to get out,and facing the wrong way. One would think if Bob was actually there and he seen it all he would of at leasr had the balls to come protect his lady friend.

        Than there is this if Brindi was muzzled and had the lead on as Fran sort of claims,and the back window open could this witness (BOB) not of held the lead while in the vehicle? Hell the way fran drives verring all over the road (Her words) Brindi could of fallen out or jumped out of a moving vehicle into on coming traffic.

        Hell just by the evidence I see in the tapes fran should not own a pet rock,and bob should use some rubber glue on his lips because every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it.

      • Emma Richards you are in top form today,jak,,lol

      • Gary Burkholder Well, I guess our Queen Francesca thinks she's now the Queen of England, up and beyond the Law. We don't want to see Brindi put down. She can be rehabbed....re-homed with a nice family

      • Gary Burkholder I don't know what this lady is trying to accomplish, but it's not good.

      • Joy McDonald That's no lady.

      • Jak Thomas Well I just discovered a bit of info a short time ago, yesterday fran sent out 24+ invites to people to join her FB group, now in addition Fran has allowed well over 75 people into her group in 2 months. I actually sent an IM to a few and they were invited to join by Fran,and haven't a clue what the group is all about,or do they care.
        I than sent ims to the people Fran invited and gave them a couple of links,this group being one.

        5 hours ago · 1

        Ick. Now I have to go take a shower...

        COLOR KEY: 
        * Fake profile on Facebook
        * False information, misquote, or distorted information
        * statements that ignore reality (HRM's position, for instance, or statements made by others) 
        * evidence of attempts to use official agencies or contact third-parties to stir trouble as a way to harass someone - likely by giving false information about the target or the person reporting (usually this is Wayne Croft).   
        * Old-fashioned smear