Outing Cyberbullies

Wayne K. Croft aka "Jak Thomas" and multiple twitter profiles
Dorothy Guild aka "Virginia Eaton", "Ted Elliot" on Facebook, various twitter names
Joy Macdonald
Gail Gallant
Margaret Cosman

Saturday 21 July 2012

Obsessives stalking and harassing

Do these people suffer from lack of attention? Or some kind of group psychosis?

Wayne Croft, aka Jak Thomas on Facebook, is approaching his fourth year of stalking Francesca Rogier.
He and his bevy of similarly crazed women love to repeat half-truths and outright lies, spewing "facts" about a person they've never met. They regularly hassle anybody tweeting to, with, or about Francesca and Brindi, and they've infiltrated every Facebook group that has anything to do with them, posing as authorities on everything from court cases to wooden windows.

Amusingly, these ill-minded folks love to claim that the only people who support Brindi and her owner live outside of Halifax, yet they don't live there themselves. Wayne lives in a little hamlet called Mill Village, easily two hours away; his companion in cruelty, Joy McDonald, lives nearby; Emma Richards lives in Truro; and Dorothy Guild, perhaps the most venomous one, lives in the Bronx, of all places! Sure, she happens to own a cottage in Porters Lake, Nova Scotia that she visits maybe a week or two now and then. But she's not even Canadian.Then there's "Lena Burkholder", a name linked to a Facebook profile that at once time said she was from Kansas! For people living half a continent away, she and her husband Gary sure get pretty worked up about goings-on in Halifax - just a bit suspicious, doncha think?

Wayne has never met Francesca, yet he tracks her every online utterance like an addict in need of his next hit. He was warned twice by the RCMP, but seems to delight in defying these warnings. He is very active on the group named "By Law Enforcement in Nova Scotia"  - a dead giveaway, not only because by-laws are local, not provincial, but also because 99% of the posts are negative comments about or falsely dramatic diatribes against Francesca Rogier (with the exception of a few posts by new members mistaking the group for actual do-gooders). 

Posting as Jak Thomas, Croft recently even beseeched Francesca, "Why don't you sue me?" Evidently trying very hard to make that dream a reality, he's now uploaded a photo of her home that he says he took himself, apparently traveling the distance to the Eastern Shore for just that purpose. His gleeful accompanying comments indicate that he plans to do this regularly.

If your gut reaction is "Ick," join the crowd!

On the other hand, no wonder old Wayne craves the spotlight. The "Old Trout"'s only internet claim to fame seems to be a very dull video of him clearing a few stumps in his town of Mill Village, racking up barely two dozen views:


Oops, sorry. Well, till next time!