Outing Cyberbullies

Wayne K. Croft aka "Jak Thomas" and multiple twitter profiles
Dorothy Guild aka "Virginia Eaton", "Ted Elliot" on Facebook, various twitter names
Joy Macdonald
Gail Gallant
Margaret Cosman

Friday 1 March 2013

Using Prosecutor Katherine Salsman's Deceptive Letter to Bash Brindi's Owner Ad Nauseum: ENOUGH!

It's amazing how Wayne Croft manages to find fault with his bullying victims no matter what.

Especially his number one cyberbullying - and real-time - victim Francesca Rogier, a woman whose dog has been unfairly and immorally targeted for death and locked up for nearly five years by psychopathic dogcatchers in the "regional municipality" (whatever that is) of Halifax in Nova Scotia.

This man seems to think that somebody who is not permitted to work in Canada should work anyhow. For all his professed smarts, he clearly has no idea how long it takes to get a permanent visa there, let alone how complicated it is. No, to him, "it's just a matter of a bit more paperwork". And then, Croft generously suggests that this woman, who is qualified to teach and practice architecture, take a minimum-wage job - because she's "able-bodied".

So after years of accusing her of working illegally one way or the other, now he has been bashing Brindi's owner simultaneously for working and for not working.

Mind you, this is a woman who lives in a town hours away from him, a woman he's never met or seen (allegedly - it's certainly possible he's stalked her in person).

It gets even better. Based on Wayne Croft's own personal interpretation of prosecutor Katherine Salsman's very duplicitous letter from two years ago - one letter out of many that were not made public - Croft says Brindi's owner is "lying" about not being able to visit Brindi. He pretends not to know that the letter was written five months after Halifax seized Brindi for a second time, five months when no visits were allowed or offered. And for five months, Salsman and Halifax were not offering any visits. So suddenly in December - after something very embarrassing (for them) happened when the kennel owners called the RCMP about a Christmas stocking - now they were offering visits. But under the same "conditions" as before: conditions invented ad hoc in 2009 just for Brindi and her mom. Who invented them - nobody knows. They are not part of any law or policy. Among other things, forbid her from bringing any kind of treats for her own dog, Brindi. As well, they forbid her from speaking to staff and taking photos and videos  - of her own dog. These insane conditions restrict visits to 30 minutes once a week, to take place outdoors regardless of the weather, and they forbid her from bringing a friend or any member of the media. And the visits could only take place on a weekday. So if she did have a job, that would make it pretty tough to do, wouldn't it, Mr. Croft?

Just imagine what that would be like, once a week, being treated like this, and having to see - and be part of - your dog being mistreated right in front of your eyes. It's nothing less than cruelty, and offering it after five months is even more cruel, as any dog would think its owner was there to take it home, and then be crushed when they leave minutes later. But Wayne Croft can't imagine this.

As Brindi's vet said, suddenly having a short visit after five months would not be a good thing for Brindi to endure, and doubtless for Francesca too. Nobody paid much attention at the time, including the media, but we know she already had to endure this torture in 2009 and 2010. How can anybody blame a thinking, feeling person for not taking up such a wonderful "offer" of more torture? It would be masochistic, she said. Nor did she conceal this "offer" from her supporters, as Wayne and his buddies claim. They don't know this, though, because they were banned from Brindi's facebook group due to their hateful conduct.

Another favorite longtime claim of Croft's, tweeted and posted far and wide, was that this woman was supposedly "mooching" off the province, which everyone knows is impossible for a visitor to Canada. (Not to mention that public assistance hardly allows somebody to live it up, as any recipient of assistance can tell you.)

Wayne Croft even bashes Brindi's owner for using her dog - this one really sticks in the throat - to make money on, i.e., for her to live off of. !!! Yes, believe it or don't, he and members of his gang have actually claimed more than once that she was deliberately not getting Brindi out "lying" to people who have donated money for vet bills and legal costs just so she can continue living high on the hog. First of all, this is a very offensive and (yet another) libelous suggestion, and the man should be - well, better not say what should be done with him, but he seriously needs treatment because his mind is very ill. Any idiot knows that lawyers cost an arm and a leg. You can go into debt real, real fast. Some people have had to sell their homes (or had them taken by their own lawyers!).

Brindi's owner isn't even able to sell her place, unfortunately. Thanks to Halifax's repeated interruptions in her life and funds, the renovations are far from complete. And who would buy a place with neighbors who report you for anything and everything? Plus, it's a Heritage house. That means it's expensive to replace windows, doors, etc. because they have to be wood. You also need special permission to change anything. But Ms. Rogier was on her way to doing just that, with permission, when the neighbors and HRM schemed to put a stop to both it and her poor dog's life.

So yeah, right, Wayne, she's just rolling in dough. Or her family is, according to Wayne and his gang of vultures, who swear they've "bailed her out before". That's a surprise to them, no doubt!

There's no end to Croft's rude and crude fairytales. The lessons are many: don't believe anything this man says about Brindi, her owner, or anybody else's life, including his own: he has also claimed - in print, online - to be a federal law enforcement officer, and that his son is a law enforcement officer.

Maybe some day, heaven willing, Mr. Croft will find out for himself just how much defense lawyers cost. He's certainly racked up enough misdeeds to end up there. 

But who will want to donate money to pay for it?